Speedy Spontaneous
JUDGES: When the team enters, tell them this a verbal problem. Then read the following:
You will have 1 minute to think and 3 minutes to respond. You may ask questions during your thinking time, however, time continues. No other talking is allowed.
The faster your team completes this problem, the more points it will receive. If all responses are given within 1 minute, your team will receive 50 bonus points. If all responses are given within 2 minutes your team will receive 25 bonus points. If it takes more than 2 minutes to finish responding, no bonus will be given.
Your team is to take turns in sequence. You may not skip your turn, or repeat a response. If one member of the team is stuck, the team is stuck.
Once time begins, it will not be stopped. If the judges ask you to repeat a response or clarify it, or to give a more appropriate response, it counts against your time. Speak loudly and clearly.
There are cards placed before each of you. After you give a response, you will place a card in the box. Time will stop when all cards are placed in the box or the 3 minutes is up.
Once time begins, it will not be stopped. If the judge asks you to repeat a response, or to clarify it, or to give a more appropriate response, it counts against your time. Speak loudly and clearly.
Your problem is to name things that are fast or move quickly. (repeat number 5)
(Make sure that each student has 10 cards for a total of 50 possible responses)