Hands-on verbal (or combination) spontaneous problems require teams to create a tangible solution and include some type of verbal component, for example, creating a story about the solution. Teams are scored for both the tangible solution and the verbal presentation.
Hands-on verbal problem tips
Understand the unique components of each stage of the problem. Is only part 2 scored? How can time in part 1 be used to maximize score in part 2?
If creating objects to give responses to, create objects open to wide interpretation in order to allow for more responses (a picture of a house and a car is more restrictive than a stick figure with 6 arms).
Plan story responses to have a clear beginning, middle and end. Introduce conflict and have the characters resolve a problem; a story should always have some sort of direction.
Add drama and flair to story problem responses especially - don't be afraid to stand up, gesture, and use accents.
Types of hands-on verbal problem
Hands-on verbal involves building or manipulating physical items while giving responses. The broad categories of problems are:
Create and an object or objects and give responses. Example problems: “Pet Play Day”, “Canned Commercial”, “Shapes”,
Respond to given items. Example problems: “Sound Off!”, “Looks are Deceiving”, “Alien Life”
Tell a story with certain items. Example problems: “Heroes Journey”, “Story Time”, “The Park”
Create a skit with certain items. Example problems: “El Restaurante”, “Instant Fable”, “The Show Must Go On!”